Asteroid Event System
🌟 Asteroid Mission Guide 🌟
📜 What is an Asteroid Mission?
Asteroid missions are special exploration tasks that players send to rocky regions deep within the galaxy. These missions can reward players with rare resources, antimatter, or other valuable rewards. However, asteroid regions are usually undefended, meaning you will not encounter enemy units there.

- 💎 Rare Resources: The resources found in asteroids usually include basic materials like metal, crystal, and deuterium. Some asteroids offer antimatter or (extremely rare) stardust as well.
- 🎁 Special Reward: Successfully completing an asteroid mission rewards players with 100 antimatter, a significant advantage in the game.
🔧 Mission Mechanics
Asteroid missions require players to send ships to the asteroid region for a certain period of time. Upon completion, the player can earn the following rewards:
- Resource Gain: If the mission is successful, the player collects resources from the asteroid. The amount depends on the asteroids size and difficulty.
- Time Management: During the mission, the ships remain in the asteroid region and cannot be used for other tasks.
- Risks: Asteroid missions usually dont carry risks, but choosing the wrong ships or lacking sufficient strength could reduce the rate of resource collection.
- Risks: To find them, players must scan the galaxy. They can only be collected with 2 ships: "Battle Transporter" & "Battle Recycler". After they are collected, they disappear.

🎯 Mission Types
Asteroid missions can vary in type. Each type comes with different difficulty levels and reward potentials:
- Easy Missions: Low-risk tasks that typically provide small amounts of resources with no risk of losing ships.
- Medium Difficulty Missions: Provides medium rewards in resources and antimatter. The mission duration is longer.
- Hard Missions: These missions have the highest potential rewards. However, they require more time and stronger ships.
💡 Tips and Strategies
To maximize the benefits of asteroid missions, follow these tips:
- Ship Selection: Choose ships based on the missions difficulty. Use small ships for easy missions, and powerful warships for hard missions.
- Timing: Calculate mission durations carefully. Short missions are ideal for quick resource collection, while longer missions offer greater rewards.
- Teamwork: Coordinate with your alliance members and multiple players can participate in the same asteroid mission. This increases your chances of success.
🏆 Reward Potential
The rewards from asteroid missions provide significant advantages in the game. Here are some of the rewards you can obtain:
- Basic Resources: Metal, crystal, and deuterium are regularly collected from asteroids.
- Rare Resources: Antimatter and (extremely rare) stardust are the most valuable rewards from asteroid missions.
- Special Reward: Each successful asteroid mission gives players 100 antimatter as a gift.
🚨 Risks and Consequences
Asteroid missions typically dont carry risks. However, choosing the wrong strategy or insufficient strength may reduce your resource collection rate. If a mission fails, you may face the following consequences:
- Time Wasted: A failed mission wastes both time and resources.
- Low Yield: Insufficient strength or the wrong ship selection can decrease the amount of collected resources.
Therefore, before starting an asteroid mission, review your strategies and make sure youre fully prepared!