
The following rules will be binding in the Space project.

In case of violation of the rules and/or user agreement, the relevant penalty will be applied. If you don't understand any of the rules or why your account is blocked, you can contact the Space team through our social media accounts or via email. For support:

For all problems in the user account, only the real owner of the account is contacted.

1. Account

  • a) The account holder is the email address defined to the account. This address can be changed later.
  • b) Each player can only have one account.
  • c) You can transfer your account permanently. However, selling accounts is prohibited. As Space, we do not support account sales and do not take responsibility for any problems that arise due to account sales.
  • d) Sharing the password of the account is prohibited unless you permanently transfer your account to someone else or if there is no account-sitting situation. If another player logs in to your account with same ip, all accounts associated with the respective ip address will be closed.
  • e) The accounts of the players who do not comply with the game rules and harm the game on purpose will be closed.

2. Account sitting

  • a) In the event that the real account holder cannot connect to the game for various reasons, the persons approved by the account holder can act as an account keeper.
  • b) An account can only be used by the account keeper for a maximum of 48 hours.
  • c) In cases where it is necessary to extend the period, the manager should be notified.
  • d) As long as the account keeper does not interact with other players, he can take any action and put the account in holiday mode.
  • e) The account sitter cannot be a carer for multiple accounts at the same time.

3. Multi accounts

  • a) Each player can only have one lobby account. With this lobby account, the player can create one player profile in each universe.
  • b) By processing the ip addresses and location information used by the player, the hours he entered the game and some other data; multi account determination can be made.
  • c) If it is determined that the player is using multi accounts, the accounts will be deleted forever.
  • d) In some exceptional cases (use of a common ip address, etc.), it is allowed to play on the common ip address by informing the manager, but fleet and resource assistance cannot be provided between these accounts. If this situation is violated, these accounts will be closed forever.
  • e) If a common ip is detected without notifying the management of the common internet connection, the accounts will be closed.

4. Transferring of resources

  • a) Low-scoring players are prohibited from funding high-scoring players. This rule also applies to players in the same alliance.
  • b) High-scoring players can provide resources to low-scoring players. However, the value of the funding cannot be higher than the point difference value of the players, it means the high-scoring player cannot help the low-scoring player to exceed his/her own score.
  • c) With a small fleet (in order to destroy the fleet), attacks on larger fleets or defenses are described as “Fleet breaking” and if it is determined that the resources are transferred in this way, the accounts will be closed.
  • d) Attacks on larger fleets or defenses with a small fleet (in order to destroy the fleet) are described as “Fleet breaking”. And if it is determined that the resources are transferred in this way, the accounts will be closed.
  • e) It is strictly forbidden to transfer resources to other accounts in an "indirect" way. If this situation is detected, all players who cause / assist the violation will be banned.
  • f) Players can trade among themselves at specified rates (3 Metal = 2 Crystal = 1 Deuterium). However, it is strictly forbidden to sell raw materials or fleets in the game for real money.
  • g) It is forbidden to attack alliance members within the alliance or to attack again after a while after leaving the alliance. If an alliance has been exited, the person leaving the alliance cannot attack their alliance for 14 days. If it is determined that he has committed an offense, he will be suspended for 3 days in the 1st penalty, 7 days in the 2nd penalty, and indefinitely in the 3rd penalty.
  • h) In case of detection of attacks made to increase alliance points, they are suspended for 3 days in the 1st penalty, 7 days in the 2nd penalty, and indefinitely in the 3rd penalty.
  • h) In case of detection of attacks made to increase alliance points, they are suspended for 3 days in the 1st penalty, 7 days in the 2nd penalty, and indefinitely in the 3rd penalty.

5. Attacks on players

  • a) A player can attack any planet or moon only 4 times within 24 hours including group attacks.
  • b) In the event that the Alliances are at war, 8 attack missions can be launched on the same target within 24 hours.
  • c) The attack limit is 6 per planet. The player cannot be attacked more than 6 per planet in a total of 24 hours. If alliances are at war, this number is 32.
  • d) This rule applies only to active players, there is no limit to attacking inactive players.
  • e) The attack restriction rule is 8 for interplanetary missile attacks, and 16 if alliances are at war.
  • f) "Spam" attack with the spy probe is strictly prohibited, in case of violation of this rule, the player who carried out the attack will be punished.
  • g) Successive individual or group attacks are prohibited to prevent player development. In these cases, the game management performs the necessary investigation and the players who organize the attack can be punished.
  • h) Successive and non-profit attacks to the player for forcing the player to leave the game or to put their account in vacation mode are prohibited. In these cases, the game management performs the necessary investigation and the players who organize the attack can be punished.
  • i) The conditions specified in articles "g" and "h" apply only to "planets". Continuous and organized attacks can be carried out to destroy the moon defense in order to destroy the Moon.
  • j) The situations specified in articles "g" and "h" are not valid if the alliances are at war.
  • k) Attacks should be for profit. The loot and debris field resources you will receive in your attack must be higher than your fuel costs and fleet loss. In case of violation of this rule, the player who make the attack will be prohibited to sending attack missions for a while. In case of repeated violations of this rule, the account can be closed.
  • m) If the player you are attacking indicates that he is online via a private message, you should consider to withdraw your fleet if you think you cannot make enough profit from the player's defenses/fleets. Otherwise, you can make the rule violation described on the "k" section.
  • n) In the wars that took place with the participation of more than one player, the looted resources and the collected debris fields must be shared according to the rules below.
    > The loss of players participating in the battle will be covered.
    > The remaining resources are shared equally among the participating players.

6. Activity times

  • a) Accounts with total daily activity duration over 18 hours are taken under examination. If the game management thinks that these accounts are used by more than one person, the account can be closed. But of course it is not forbidden to play more than 18 hours a day.

7. Expeditions/Hostal sector/Spy probes and other sabotages.

  • a) No planet should have more than 100,000 spy probes in it, any more that goes into sabotage and fleet breakup. The penalty is 1 day for the first time, 2 days for 2 times, 7 days for 3 times.
    > More than 100,000 spy probes cannot be in the air, cannot move, cannot travel.
    > More than 100,000 spy probes cannot be sent on expeditions and hostal cannot be sent.

8. Flight times

  • a) Fleet orders that last longer than 6 hours cannot be given to a foreign player without the consent of the player. If longer fleet orders are issued, they must be canceled within 6 hours.
  • b) If long-term fleet missions to prevent the player are detected, the player who performing the mission will be punished.

9. Taking advantage of bugs in the game

  • a) Players are required to report any errors they encounter in the game to the management.
  • b) Players who report bugs are rewarded with dark matter based on the value of the error.
  • c) Using in-game bugs in favor or against the player is absolutely unacceptable and results in the player being penalized.
  • d) Reporting in-game bugs to other players is strictly prohibited as it will harm the game, and players who do so will be penalized.

10. External software, script and bot usage

  • a) The Space system monitors the actions taken by the players and can understand if the person performing this action is a real player or a computer. Players who perform the actions in the game via bot software are removed from the game.
  • b) When actions taken using additional scripts on the browser are detected, the player's account will be deleted.
  • c) Using an external software or recommending it to other players is also against the rules. All control of the account should belong only to the owner of the account, if the account information is shared with third party software, the account will be closed.

11. Communication

  • The following situations are prohibited in in-game messages, shared war & spy reports, universal messaging system and all other in-game communication points:
  • a) Flooding, extraneous messages, use of capital letters, discussions on personal issues, provoking / inciting to violate the rules, fraud and misleading, swearing, insults, pornography, judging/criticizing people's lives, religious and political preferences, to make provocation and propaganda based on the religious and political preferences of people, explicit or confidential advertisements of other products, threats to harass and harm people in real life, making financial demands or begging, acting as the manager of the game and speaking on behalf of the management.
  • b) Game management may use initiative on issues other than the above items and may decide that communication is harmful.

Other conditions

  • Players who do not follow the specified rules and make other violations will be penalized without prior notice.
  • The duration of the penalty varies depending on the type of violation.
  • All these rules are precautions taken to give players a better gaming experience, and as the Space team we would like to point out that we will not allow anyone to harm the game.